This is a dedicated platform for the display and sharing of bite-size standalone educational material for environmental geotechnics. You are invited to browse the submitted contributions, download material that you might find interesting and leave your comment.
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Tag Cloud
chemical containment
Contaminant barriers
contaminant transport
Contaminant transport and fate
Contaminated site remediation
disaster debris
disaster recovery
engineered barriers
Environmental Geomechanics
Environmental Geotechnics
Geotechnical constitutive modelling
Groundwater flow
landfill engineering
oil & groundwater contamination
polluted land
pop culture
rammed earth constructions
recent trends
recovered soil
risk assessment
slope stability
slope stablity failure
soil-waste mixture
solid waste management
static and cyclic liquefaction
Sustainability considerations
TSF stability
Unsaturated soil mechanics
Waste containment
waste disposal facility
waste management