Special Session – Advances in Geosynthetics for Waste Containment Applications
Kuo Tian
Assistant Professor
Sid and Reva Dewberry Department of Civil,
Environmental and Infrastructure Engineering
George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, USA
Nazli Yesiller
Research Scholar and Co-Director of the Global Waste Research Institute
California Polytechnic State University, USA
James Hanson
California Polytechnic State University, USA
Session Description
Waste containment facilities have bottom liner and cover systems to isolate the waste, prevent the migration of contaminations to surroundings, minimize infiltration, and mitigate gas emissions (e.g., methane, hydrogen sulfide). Geosynthetic materials play an important role in the design and construction of waste containment systems. Bottom liners and cover systems may have geosynthetic barrier materials such as geomembranes and geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs) as well as geosynthetic drainage and filter materials such as geonets, geotextiles, and geocomposites. In addition, geosynthetics (e.g., geogrids, geotextiles) may be used for reinforcement function. Liners and covers in containment systems have long service lives, and durability and serviceability of these systems remain as concerns. New types and configurations of geosynthetic materials are being developed for waste containment applications, including physical, mechanical, chemical, and electrical enhancements. The recent innovations in geosynthetic liner materials improve the performance, durability, and overall sustainability of waste containment systems. The session will focus on durability, performance, and sustainability advancements in geosynthetic materials, including the design, construction, and testing of these materials.