Invited Lecture – Potential impacts of temperature rise on the geoenvironment

26 Jun 2023
14:30 - 15:00

Invited Lecture – Potential impacts of temperature rise on the geoenvironment

Recent development of thermally active geosystems, such as thermal energy storage, GSHPs, etc., involve dynamic and static temperature changes in the ground. In addition, when utilizing soils and rocks in embankment or other shallow geotechnical applications, such geostructures will be exposed to the seasonal and daily changes of the ground temperature and subsurface warming. Because such temperature changes in the ground could lead to the physical and chemical alterations not only of soil and water but also of chemicals in the ground, the geoenvironment is also more or less affected. In this lecture, the mobility of toxic metals and metalloids contained in the strata and/or in excavated soils and rocks is discussed to better understand the potential impacts of temperature rise on the geoenvironment.