
Contribution 1

Submitted by: Marina Pantazidou, National Technical University of Athens, Greece

A figure showing three substances released in groundwater at the same time/place travelling at a different pace due to sorption.


Sample Description

(1) Course Name/Type: Environmental Geotechnics/Elective course at the 5th year of an integrated masters civil engineering curriculum

(2) Course Emphasis: polluted land, contaminant transport, remediation

(3) Descriptive Title of Sample: A figure showing three substances released in groundwater at the same time/place travelling at a different pace due to sorption

(4) Brief Teaching Note: This tracer experiment at the Borden test site permits presenting qualitatively first the effects of sorption, before presenting the equation of transport. This new redrawn figure can be used without permission from the journal where the paper is published, it requires only a reference to the paper.

The figure is redrawn with the minimum necessary information (showing only the outer boundary of the area where the substances are detected) in order to focus on the effects of sorption: transport in groundwater is slower for the two organic contaminants, compared to the non-sorbing chloride, which has travelled farther in the downgradient direction.

(5) References: Roberts, P.V., M.N. Goltz and D.M. Mackay, 1986, A natural gradient experiment on solute transport in a sand aquifer 3. Retardation estimates and mass balances of organic solutes, Water Resources Research, 22:13:2047-2058

(6) URL of video (if sample is a video) or URL with supplementary material in English:
https://online-journals.org/index.php/i-jep/article/view/11181 http://users.ntua.gr/mpanta/Teaching_EN/EnvironmentalGeotechnics/Supplement_P_K_2019/S11_TracerTestBorden/


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