Contribution 17
Submitted by: Cristina Vulpe, The University of Western Australia, Australia
Triggers and type of failure (undrained) for cyclic and static liquefaction
Sample Description
(1) Course Name/Type: Environmental geotechnics / Optional unit for 3rd and 4th year Bachelor of Engineering students
(2) Course Emphasis: MSW, TSF stability, seepage, static and cyclic liquefaction, slope stability, contaminant transport, rammed earth constructions
(3) Descriptive Title of Sample: Triggers and type of failure (undrained) for cyclic and static liquefaction
(4) Brief Teaching Note:
The purpose of this slide is to show similarities and differences between cyclic and static liquefaction with respect to where it can occur, the triggers that lead to the failure and the fact that the failure itself is undrained. Emphasis (verbally) is given to the fact that coarse material (i.e., sand, silt) is undergoing UNDRAINED shearing even if the material is highly permeable. This is meant to correct a wrong that is perpetuated where students have been consistently taught that sand can only fail in drained conditions.
A number of recent high profile tailings storage facilities failures have been investigated by expert review panels, such as the Cadia TSF failure in 2018 (Jefferies et al. 2019 – Report on NTSF Embankment failure. Cadia Valley Operations).
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